Me: "we just want to give u extra money.."
Doctor: "hoho..don't say like that.."
Me: "...(smiling) daughter is having fever..her highest temperature was 38.7 degrees this morning"
Doctor: "..her throat sangat merah...she might have viral infection..if this continues, it will lead to bad tonsillitis..."..bla..bla..bla..
Doctor: "..i'll give her..paracetamol.."..bla..bla
Me: "I need MC today, doctor"
Doctor: "..NO..I can't give you one..ur not the one whois sick"
Me: (puzzled).."betul..but I kena cuti..I want to take care of my daughter"
Doctor: "..nope..I never gave out any mc...for mommies..unless ur sick..Your company might call me and ask me questions..."
Me: "..jap..what other working mothers would do..when their children fall sick"
Doctor: "...normally they will let the maids take care of the child or send it to the parents.."
He Approved The Medical Leave Eventually
- Is this for real? I don't blame the Doctor as he was defending his integrity and principal.
- I don't have the heart to leave my daughter alone with my mother during her sickness. I kept on thinking what kind of mother would have done that..
- Sick babies need extra care from the mothers. All I knew, she needs me to be by her side.
- Hugs and kisses are truly one of the best medication.
- Attention to all bosses who are reading this...may all of you to be considerate especially to working mothers...
- I need to bring this to the parliament, need to write to Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat
- No matter how workaholic you are, taking one day leave for your sick child...does not mean that you are an unreliable and irresponsible staff.
- What do you think...mothers?
fiza...kalo pg kat certain clinic..ex : klinik kanak2 equine, kalo anak ade ulser pon die akan bg mc kat mummies tau..huhuh its depend on doc...ade doc yg memang family oriented....huhuh
Thats whylah my cuti will always be zero even tak sampai bulan 12 lagi :(
Anak sakit kena cuti, suami sakit kena cuti and my mom sakit kena cuti..:(
So lama2 sapa yang akan sakit :p
i setuju kalau u bawak benda ni ke parlimen....tak kira sehebat mana kerjaya kita, tp sbg ibu..kita kena utamakan family dan anak2...keje leh buat, leh anak? lu pikirlah sendiri! tol tak? tp doctor tu spttnyer leh pk logik atau tak psl benda nih...tolonglah jaga sensitiviti perempuan yg bergelar ibu..huhuhu
fiza: saya pun penah kene cmtuh.. baruni saya amik time slip tp kampeni mcm x pasan tu adelah timeslip bukn mc..
n penah saya g gak keje walopun tau dah dia sakit n xdpt mc.. tu yg sara masuk spital aritu..
tonsil jgn biar, sbb budak2 mmg cepat dehydrated. nnti kene warded lagi susah..
ada clinic/doc mmg kasi mc kalau anak sakit.
den setuju ... anak demam , biorlah ibu/ayah dapat mc ... doc n company kene consider mendo2 camnih
anak ekau makin lawa lah , berkonan lak ati den nak berbesan eh :p
Ja,you have to go to my panel clinic...dia ada bagi MC if your kids is sick...."You nak MC tak for jaga anak..."
The doctor is right...MC is for the sick people...but who cares...say ur sick also
..tula..actually ada satu clinic yg selalu kitorang pegi..anak sakit..mak pun dapat mc..tapi kitorang switch sebab..tempat ni..
doc dia cekap..ubat dia berkesan...cuma dia tak bagi MC tu yg tensen tu..
Mrs Azhir
..kire ok least u dapat mc..
..sangat2 setuju..the doctor perlu ada this kinda of sensitivity..
bukannya kite sesaja nak cuti kan...
tak tau la nome...rasanya..wife dia sangat workaholic tu yg dia tak kisah kut..
...haa kan..baik2 sara tu bole ok..dah kena yg doctor kena tau bende2 camni la..story leen tu mmg doc patut amek iktibar...
..apitttt!!..wallah..wallah...dah lamo ler tak nampak 'nagakeciks' kat blog den ni...montang2 dah slim..ekau eksen ngan den ni haa....pas2 ni..ekau diwajibkan.. click blog den tiap2 ari..
macamanapun..ekau ckp tu mmg ngan doc konola consider...ingat tak dulu boss lamo kito mati2 suh dapatkan mc...takdak mc..tak bole cuti..adoi...poning la camtu...
hehehe...den takdo hal nye.. eh..bukan ekau dah berjanji manis dongan si bungaoren ko? den tak sanggup di 'besan-madu'...
Ein Auzai'y
..thanks ein...takpe..actually aku ada regular clinic that we attend to..yg bole bagi mc..its just terms of services,diagnose and medications...aku prefer tempat yg 'kedekut' mc ni...
the doc mmg cekap in diagnosing the sickness...dan sangat detail..pergi kat dia..rania cepat je..elok...tempat lain..adoi..
..hehe..he is a paed shazat...he won't give time..i may have to go to both clinics.. one is for the quality treatment.. and the other is for the purpose of getting the MC...:)...laki bini kena buat claim..
hmmm, sbb tue la aku slalu kn potong gaji dl...sbb i prefer staying at home jg ammar then risau2 apa la jadi kat dia. lantak la boss nak kata apa...sapa lagi penting,,, our child!
elani makrai
..aku agree with ur opinion... sangat betul... tapi mesti ada sifat compromise bagi pelbagai pihak..
kalau dok ikut lantak je...tak fair jugak la..kat employer...(kalau employer best laa..)..bankrap camtuh
betui tu fiza, depends on doctor... tp lepas rasa susah je.. sbb asyik nak kena amik EL mcm susah je... (siap ade yg kata umur budak sekian2 baru blh minta EL.. etc); so akak tlh memikirkan cara paling bijak iaitu everytime bawa anak yg sakit.. akak akan fill up borang sendiri sakit gak.. sbb kita pun tak sihat kena berjaga malam kan.. :); sbb aritu dh pernah sekali akak pergi gak keje walaupun mlm sblm tak cukup tido and end up akak langgar kete org masa nak balik sbb tak sdar tertido..
tp kalau government family first...
tu pasal ade 90 hari cuti lepas bersalin...
Mana ada i dapat MC..semua itu adalah annual leave..:(
Akhir tahun org gi jalan2..i duduklah kat office...
Anak masuk hospital parent yang jaga anak tu akan dapat compassionate leave kan?
..tula Kak time nak try mcm tu la...tapi mcm problem gak..sebab doc ni..paeditrician... dia bukan GP punye takde harapan je..
Mrs Azhir yeke..kalau camtu..kena check ngan company SOP la ni..kalau takde..then kite kenala..bgtau dorang..kite punye concerns ni..
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