Sunday, September 5, 2010

5 Raya Zenhabits...

Since its the final week of raya..I bet everyone has becoming busy bees...The last minute shopping is a more discounts and offers being thrown here and there...Anyhow, this year i've tried out what i called the 'raya zenhabits' ...It really works especially when you have a 1-year-old toddler...

1. Do the 'major' shopping before ramadhan even started
I bought myself few baju kurung..sometime in march - june this shan's and rania's a month before ramadhan....our plan is to avoid any instances that can cause the budget to burst...Plus when there are less people crowding the area..the more options/varieties that you would have...

2. Clean (Vacum,Mopping,cleaning the toilet) the house every 2 days.
I am having a hectic year this year...Months ago..I was so not organized, it reflects so much in both of my career and personal I started making this as a habit..and I can feel the differences now....

3. Wash the curtain, floor mats, cushions, baju raya..2 weeks before raya..
Everybody does big thingy...I always frowned everytime my mother asked me to do this when I was a, it is just like one of the most 'pengajaran yg berguna'....

4. "One in, two out" rules...there are new stuff coming 'MEANS' i need to donate old things...
Heard it before?....I learned this from the Oprah show sometime 4-5 years ago....It is not that hard, really...if we can think of those people who need it more than us....

5. Clear out the cabinets...once a fortnight
Now I will always have room and space for everything...especially those balang kuih...

-Selamat Ber'Shopping' Raya Semua-


ZuRin said...

Salam Peah,...good habits to cultivate during festive seasons...totally agree with you. Less burden less stress...btw, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri..Maaf Zahir Batin..don't forget to loads great pics during raya...mesti meriah! Have a good one...:)

- L e 3 n - said...

fiza.. tang num 1 tu mmg tepat.. saya pun practise utk tahun ni.. sebab saya pegnen...tapi secara x langsung skrg sedar yang beli before ramadhan sgt bagus.. duit x abis mcm sebelum ni.. dan xyah perlu nk bersesak2 mcm sebelum ni gak.. kalo kuar pun just jalan2 bukan memenatkan badan nk pilih barang... n paling penting xyah nk kejar2 lil sara dlam kesesakan org ramai.. hehe

peah @ peps said...

Salam zurin..."less burden, less stress"..loike that..:)..its true right..anyway...i'm still working on these habits...hopefully we'll do the same thing next year...

thanks zurin...Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin to u too..

mek leeeenn...:)...kan..kan.sangat bagus kan...especially pregnant mommy..mana nak kejar si kecik lagi..

walaupun jauh di mata..tapi dekat di 'blog' ya...:)

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