..so..how do u find the services here... Pn Sri Fiza...
..very impressive Datin Sri Paduka Dalina..the fact that we will not be able to enjoy every moment of this trip...why don't we just cilok all the toiletries and whatever that can be cilok-ed..
p/s: to Kak Dalina..congrats for your new baby..:)...and I still remember that u brought your dig. camera all the way here...but you forgot to bring the batteriesss..waaaaaaaAAaa...
hehehhe ingat x masa kite dinner tu...bil cecah 800++...kalo betul kene bayar sendiri..sapa yg nak bertanggungjawab tu hehhe
hehehhe ingat x masa kite dinner tu...bil cecah 800++...kalo betul kene bayar sendiri..sapa yg nak bertanggungjawab tu hehhe
chiaci..haha..tak bole lupe tu..order melampau2 kite ari tu..
nice pic..
baru teringat..kak dally bukan lupa bwk battery..tapi memory card hehhehe
bungaoren..ye ke kak emy..captured by phone ni..
ashiena..syok?..ngehh...only during sleeping time!!..tak dapat enjoy punn..
chiaci..oo aah eh..hehe..silap..:)
i already know la.. no worry.. hehehe.. pasal tu puji..
the best hotel i ever been...
tilam & bantal dia marvelous... ingat mesti susah tido sbb tempat baru.. br letak kepala terus pengsan.
tq fiza tolong cilok e cute little brush masa buat brainstorming.. awkakakaka
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