..2 minggu lepas...gua ngan epah telah dipilih secara 'random' utk attend workshop transformation nih..gua takdela semangat sangat nak pegi...sbb seriously gua pikir yg kami akan di'transform' jadi org sales...sbb gua sangat lemah nak jual barang kat org ni....tapi it turned out something so spiritual thru out the process...kami rasa sangat bertanggungjawab utk sampaikan the purpose of this transformation...
..throughout gua punya career years...gua tak pernah lagi keje dgn company besar / multinational company...Gua merelakan diri gua masuk company cap ayam lepas grad...Malas nak bebel panjang...gua antara org yg ada pengalaman perit dan tahu jatuh bangun sesebuah company IT..tahu what and IT company really needs...
- Lesson 1: Drop the ego.. jangan fikir kite ni bagus sangat dek... kite ni baru je 5-6 tahun bekerja...jgn bercakap seolah-olah...kite ni dah tau sume bende...kalau kena gaya ngan cara cakap... mungkin management bole mendengar dgn baik...
- Lesson 2: Ini bagi management yg takde technical xperience...dan not willingly nak belajar...jgn dok tanya ..bile nak siap..bile nak siap...selami masalah staff ni...selami the process and the procedure of software development...Software programming tools ni..selain the machine...adalah 'otak' kami...
- Lesson 3: Sebagai staff kite mesti amanah ngan ikhlas dgn keje kite...baru ada hasil...gua tau..ramai yg fikir...'ala...janji dapat gaji bulan² dah setel...'....ataupun..keje kuat²...org atas yg dapat pulangan besar...Years ago...I might be thinking like that...tapi sekarang...gua fikir...org cam Haji Ariff, Haji Shuib, En Aziz...deserve it...dan patut dijadikan contoh...sebab dorang ni..dulu susah...dan ada semangat....lu orang ingat senang ke...nak bukak company IT..pastu jadi kaya??.. hmm...pikir sendiri laa..
- Lesson 4: Please stop complaining...dulu gua antara org yg asyik complain pasal byk bende..gua dah tak buat application programming ...gua cuma focus DB...dan gua pening selama SETAHUN...i can never do better without programming..at least thats what I thought....tapi...apa guna complain...improve yourself!...Whatever it is...kalau ada masalah...gua ckp dgn management dan gua bagi point yg baek...itu 'mahalnye'..datang dari company susah...kite tak ckp mcm 'tin kosong'...kalau workload berat sangat...ckp ngan boss...at the end of the day..kite tak disalahkan bulat²...
- Lesson 5: To all bosses out there..make sure..dengar kata staff..sebab kalau motivation dorang drop...abess...keje tu mmg tak siap...gua pernah ada issue boss yg tak mau dengar...dorang kata..kite mesti 'terer'..ni adalah challenge...automatically...respect pada boss tu terus drop...and I pray that one day..we will have a new better boss....wish come true!!
- Lesson 6: Motivation...yg ni sangat penting...pleaseee..your salary sume..make it Private and Confidential...sbbkan korang dok expose bende ni..ramai tak puas hati...pasalnya...dorang akan kata..'aku lebih terer...tapi gaji aku sikit..gaji ko banyak'..seriously..gua tak mengamalkan concept busy body..nak tau gaji member² gua kat luar sana sangat...sbb gua takmo bende² camni affect gua punye career path...gua ada plan...gua will follow the plan..Plans might changed..within those years...But make sure..you know what you are doing...buat research...pegi kat kwn² yg korang trust...tanya betul ke tindakan lu orang...fikir masak²..after all..its your life that u jeopardize...
- Lesson 7: Be Positive!...Help out your friends kat field ni...jgn dok nak bangga diri sangat ngan kehebatan kite..without you realize it...it might jatuhkan kwn² lain...maybe to some dgn cara bangga diri ni...dapat naikkan semangat...but for some..it might be irritating...I am still learning on how to be a B positive kinda people...sebab ramai sangat gua jumpe org² camni...
Itu sajala..yg gua nak sampaikan..so far...Edaran nampaknya bersemangat utk step up dlm IS business ni...selagi kite makan gaji kat sini..selagi tu la...kite kena be responsible atas setiap task kite...En Hatta..pernah ckp..'do not betray his trusts'....He trusts us..as his staffs..that's good...sesetengah boss akan herdik je kite...
betul kata-kata fiza.. well said..
walaupun ada isu sini sana kat 'current workplace' tapi masih antara yang 'reliable' dan 'bermotivasi'.. Hanya perlu bersabar dan berusaha and make the best of it..
Thank you for your advise..
ashiena..sharing is caring...yan...thanks for helping me out...:)
My blood is already B+, anyway.. good motivation artikel, anything is lesson learn.. belajar dari pengalaman sendiri.. dan pengalaman orang lain..
bungaoren:..keep up the good work and your momentum..kak emy..:)
You talk , you listen , and you also understand.
Thats why u r the most suitable person to become team leader for perhilitan.
I'm so jealous for what u've become today. Someday i'll catch u up. I dare to say that , u the best leader i ever meet. Yeah , sometimes i argue with u, but its me. I love to argue.
All the points you stated here is true.No doubt about it. Some of the point also hit me :p
Edaran trust you , they send you to this workshop as a representative
for us.Thanks
nagakeciks:..terharu gua apit..
ur the best programming-mate i have ever met apit..sorry for all the pain that i cause you yee...
sentimentel la pulak kann..
p/s: time ni..gua baru paksa apit buat CMMI - DTL
Hahaha...mane ade paksa...gua je melawan :p
ngadu kat kak zaida..siut je
oh ye...thanks sbb off word verification tuh...asyik fail je sebelum nih...
..dah tu...degil naa..tak mo buek...ngadu lerr..kat kak zaida...
Apepun ...saye mintak maaf banyak2..
Fiza banyak bersabar dengan saye..Insyallah , bertambah pahala..
korang budak perhilitan, keje elok2x. jangan sampai korang kene buat tender dah lar. aku rasa aku dah sampai masa dok edaran nie. seperti kata En Azmi (ex-snr hr manager Edaran), """ lebih baik keje 4 tahun penuh bermakna dari keje 8 tahun hanya 4 tahun jer bermakna """. Good by cruel world and HELLO WORLD.
good luck to everyone and pls prove yourself better from INDIAN PROGRAMMERS.
eddy:..thanks for dropping by...and for that good advice...as one of the seniors, I salute you..thank you again...
apa ko tulis tu betul peah...
aku penah tegur one of my friend psl dia x blh berenti complain psl tpt keje dia. aku ckp drpd ko komple lbh ko improve diri ko. kalo ko x blh stop complaining mesti ada somethimg wrong with urself lebih baik ko cari keje lain or setup company sendiri utk rasa mcm mana jatuh bangun dlm perniagaan.
dia jwp apa aku tau, aku x keje kt tpt dia so aku x tau apa yg berlaku kt dia. jgn judge book by it's cover. skrg dia dh tuka tempat keje dan masih lg komplen psl keje, bos & company dia.
I think, what is it — a lie.
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